In the Fall of 1965, the State Board of Regents authorized establishment of a School of Library and Information Science at The University of Iowa.
The first class of students started in September of 1967. Although the School of Library Science was newly created, library education was not new at the University. For a number of years, courses in school librarianship had been offered in the College of Education.
The establishment of a separate school grew out of the belief that the needs of Iowa would best be met by having a multi-purpose school to train librarians not only for school but for public, academic and special libraries as well. Faculty members from the earlier program in the College of Education formed the nucleus of the new Library School faculty.
After an intensive study of library school curricula and the Standards for Accreditation of the American Library Association, a program of studies was developed and approved. The School's statement of purpose affirmed its goal of providing the student not only with basic knowledge of historical concepts and technical skills, but also a philosophy of librarianship that would include a commitment to intellectual freedom and to the ideal of free dissemination of information and ideas.
The School sought ALA accreditation during its fourth year of operation, and in July 1971 this accreditation was achieved. In May 1972, the School moved to new facilities in the Main Library, which were designed specially for the needs and purposes of the School. The program has been continuously accredited since 1971.