SLIS offers multiple official joint degree programs, where you can earn your MA is LIS while concurrently getting another degree at The University of Iowa.


We offer a joint Master of Fine Arts in the Center for the Book with the School of Library and Information Science M.A. in LIS. This joint program allows students with strong interests in the physical book to acquire training in the book arts, book history, and material book studies. The earned expertise in the production and legacy of the book as a physical artifact can be an asset for those focused on careers in special collections librarianship. The combined degree requires a total of 81 s.h. of credit across the two programs. Students interested in a librarianship career with a more general interest in the physical book should consider the BLIS program. This degree option is only available in person.


The School of Library and Information Science offers a joint Juris Doctor/Master of Arts with the College of Law. The primary goal of this program is integration of the two areas of study. Students in the joint program may apply a limited amount of credit toward both degrees. Effective Fall 2019, up to 6 s.h. in law may be applied toward the M.A. in library and information science. Up to 12 s.h. in library and information science may be applied to the JD. Students in the joint program take law courses their first year and begin taking School of Library and Information Science courses in their second year. Separate application to each degree program is required. Applicants must be admitted to both programs before they may be admitted to the joint degree program. For more information, see College of Law in the General Catalog

PhD in English/MA in LIS

The combined MA in library and information science/PhD in English program prepares students for careers in academic libraries as humanities subject specialists, reference and instruction librarians, first-year experience librarians, special collections librarians and curators, and archivists. It also enhances the research profiles and methodological toolboxes of digital humanists as well as archival historicists, in addition to improving pedagogical skills. Offered by the Graduate College and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; see the PhD in English in the catalog. If you have questions, contact Kate McCullough.

Interdisciplinary PhD

Students who are enrolled in a PhD program in another academic unit at the University of Iowa may apply to pursue a joint interdisciplinary PhD through the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS). Interested students should obtain consent from SLIS and their home program or department. 

SLIS students may work with SLIS and a second academic unit to create an interdisciplinary PhD. The Graduate College website provides an Outline of Procedures for Approval of Graduate Programs in Interdisciplinary Studies (Master's and Doctorate) and should be reviewed by those interested in pursuing the joint interdisciplinary PhD. To schedule an appointment to learn more, please contact Katie McCullough.