
The University of Iowa Student Chapter
of the American Library Association
You are a LISSO member, dues free, as an accepted student of SLIS, and are invited to attend any meetings and associated functions.
LISSO's Purpose (from Article 1 of the Constitution):
1. Facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association (ALA) and the Iowa Library Association (ILA), work to promote scholarly achievement and professional awareness among its members, and promote active, imaginative research in the field of Library and Information Science.
2. Increase awareness and use of the resources provided by the ALA to its members, as well as those provided by the University of Iowa and the School of Library and Information Science.
3. Provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession.
4. Promote involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom.
5. Develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact within the profession.
6. Promote fellowship between SLIS students through social activities and events.
About Your Officers
President: Anna Luria (she/her) is a second-year SLIS student interested in special and academic librarianship. When not studying or working she likes to read, crochet, and cuddle with her dogs.
Secretary: Brooklynn Coburn (she/her) is the LISSO secretary. She is a second year SLIS student interested in public library administration. She works as a library assistant at Coralville Public Library and enjoys hiking, reading, and most of all, coffee.
Treasurer: Charlotte Brookins (she/her) is a second year SLIS student on the Public Libraries track. When she's not in class or in the library, she can be found reading, writing, and spending time with loved ones.
Social Chair: Josée Varboncoer. I am a second year SLIS student interested in special collections/archives as well as public librarianship. I am working at the Waterloo Public Library and when I am not in Iowa City for class I am volunteering , reading, or riding my motorcycle.
Distance Representative: Veronica Ruse is a second year SLIS student with an interest in Special Collections Librarianship. She works in the Local History Archives at Drake Community Library in Grinnell. You can usually find her listening to Taylor Swift and petting cats.
U2G Representative: Kenneth Mack (he/him) is the Undergrad-to-Grad (U2G) Representative for LISSO. Upon graduation from the SLIS program, he intends to become a corrections librarian.
LISSO is accessible on several online platforms:
- Email:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Engage: