The School of Library and Information Science awards a limited number of graduate assistantships and partial-tuition scholarships. Each year, we give about $30,000 in student aid in the form of scholarships and assistantships.
All incoming students will be considered for available departmental funding if you have applied by Februrary 1, whether scholarships or assistantships. Additional funding applications or forms beyond your UI and SLIS application materials are not required. Awards are made based on credentials presented through the application to the program, and when assistantships are available, also on the basis of a match between applicants' credentials and faculty research needs.
For further information on graduate assistantship, fellowships, and internships, please see the Graduate College's funding page. Please note that the School of Library and Information Science does not use the Application for Graduate Awards form. As indicated in our opening statement, all incoming students are considered for departmental funding based on the stated criteria.
Questions can be addressed to Katie McCullough.
*The published scholarship amounts may vary in any given academic year. If you have questions please contact the SLIS Program Office.
Financing your education
A limited number of graduate assistantships (GAs) are typically available both within the School and in other departments on campus. In addition to salary, GAs receive tuition remission and health benefits. Out-of-state students who are awarded assistantships automatically qualify for in-state tuition.
In some instances assistantships may be offered on a limited basis as part of the admissions package. Otherwise, SLIS and other departmental openings are advertised on Handshake at the University of Iowa as they become available, typically mid-to-late summer. SLIS assistantships are also advertised on the internal listserv, which incoming students will automatically begin receiving June 1 prior to their first fall semester.
Students are responsible for monitoring and applying for any assistantships of interest.
As an incoming or continuing SLIS student, you will automatically be considered for our scholarships, if you have applied by the February 1 priority deadline. Theses scholarships range from one-time awards of $1,000-$2000. We also offer two Distinguished Scholarships, which are $2,000 a semester for up to four semester.
Additionally, ALA and ILA offer scholarships for which SLIS students are eligible to apply.
Financial Aid and Loans
For information on student loans, work-study eligibility, or University financial assistance outside SLIS, please contact The University of Iowa Office of Student Financial Aid, 208 Calvin Hall, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1315 or visit The Office of Student Financial Aid.
The American Library Association (ALA) website also provides helpful information on their site regarding Scholarship and Financial Assistance options.
The Division of Sponsored Programs at the University of Iowa publishes an online listing of funding opportunities for UI faculty, staff and students.
Travel grants and other funding may be available through the University of Iowa's Graduate Student Senate.