Incomplete Grades

An I or Incomplete Grade will only be used when a student cannot complete their course work due to a documented illness, accident, or other extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control. Incomplete Grade Requests must be reviewed and approved by the SLIS Director, as well as the course instructor. To request an incomplete please complete the following:


  • Speak with your course instructor as soon as possible, instructor agreement must be obtained;
  • Collect any supporting documentation that you would like to submit with your request (e.g. medical note);
  • Complete and submit an Incomplete Grade Request form along with any additional documentation to the SLIS Program Administrator.


After the student submits a request, the SLIS Director will review to determine if an Incomplete is appropriate. If the request is approved, the student must work with the course instructor and the SLIS Program Administrator to develop a timeline for finishing their work. Per Graduate College policy, an Incomplete grade will automatically convert to an F at the end of the next academic semester (fall or spring), if the coursework has not been completed. No work will be accepted after the automatic grade conversion, and the course will have to be repeated for credit.