Gateway Knowledge

Students will understand the historical, social, cultural, and civic contexts of various library and information service roles in the United States, and students will internalize key values of the profession such as intellectual freedom, information equality, and community well-being. Students will also learn best practices in professional communication and development.

SLIS:5010, Libraries, Culture, and Society

5010 a. Communicate what it means to be a library or information professional in both historical and contemporary contexts.

5010 b. Identify and examine issues and core values of the library and information profession, including equity of access, literacy and learning, information policy, collaboration, and service.

5010 c. Develop and effectively use the professional language of the field to communicate with peers and colleagues and to search the professional literature of the field.

5010 d. Analyze ongoing professional concerns, supported by research and critical reflection, to evaluate and discuss issues with members of the profession.

SLIS:5030, Information Organization

5030 c. Explain major concepts, theories, issues in information organization.

SLIS:6115, Information an Inquiry

6115 b. Demonstrate effective use of information resources and information searching skills.


Information Resources

Students will understand the lifecycle of recorded knowledge and information from creation to use and the best practices for developing collections—including acquisition, selection, purchasing, processing, storage, and de-selection—with special attention to emerging formats and genres of information resources.

SLIS:6115. Information and Inquiry

6115 a. Describe the components of the knowledge life cycle, interpreting the reference process through its stages.

6115 b. Demonstrate effective use of information resources and information searching skills.

6115 c. Identify steps of inquiry and how these relate to the information needs of various users and communities.

SLIS:5010, Libraries, Culture, and Society

5010 c. Develop and effectively use the professional language of the field to communicate with peers and colleagues and to search the professional literature of the field.

5010 b. Identify and examine issues and core values of the library and information profession, including equity of access, literacy and learning, information policy, collaboration, and service.

SLIS:5030, Information Organization

5030 c. Explain major concepts, theories, issues in information organization.

5030 d. Evaluate, analyze, and critique bias embedded in knowledge organization systems.


Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education

Students will understand that lifelong learning and continuing education are organizational goals for libraries and information centers to provide as well as professional goals for library and information workers to seek out. Students will understand best practices for professional development and also best practices for teaching and learning in libraries and information centers.

SLIS:5020, Foundations of Computing

5020 c. Evaluate existing and emerging technologies and their impact on library services and resources in terms of accessibility, practicality, sustainability, and effectiveness.

SLIS:6170, Management, Teams, and Leadership

6170 d. Formulate short-term and long-term plans for individual professional growth and development.

SLIS:6115 Information and Inquiry

6115 c. Identify steps of inquiry and how these relate to the information needs of various users and communities.


Management and Administration

Students will understand best practices for project and team management, strategic planning and communication, organizational workflows and assessment, library advocacy and development, and community partnerships and engagement.

SLIS:6170, Management, Teams, and Leadership

6170 a. Assemble a variety of interpersonal managerial tools such as recruiting, hiring, orientation, evaluation, budget, and facilitation of critical conversations.

6170 b. Identify the steps of a needs assessment process and apply it to organizational challenges.

6170 c. Articulate a personal philosophy of cultural competence, professional behaviors, and ethics.

6170 d. Formulate short-term and long-term plans for individual professional growth and development.

6170 e. Apply evidence-based decision making informed by an organization’s strategic vision to complex leadership and project management issues.


Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information

Students will understand how to evaluate, represent, and organize information and knowledge across cultures and communities as well as how to devise, maintain, and use systems of organization in both physical and digital environments toward efficient discovery and retrieval by diverse users.

SLIS:5030, Information Organization

5030 a. Describe knowledge organization systems and how these are used in information environments.

5030 b. Create copy cataloging records, assign metadata, and edit bibliographic records in accordance with international standards.

5030 c. Explain major concepts, theories, issues in information organization.

5030 d. Evaluate, analyze, and critique bias embedded in knowledge organization systems.


Reference and User Services

Students will understand the techniques for discovering, retrieving, evaluating, and synthesizing information from diverse sources, and students will understand methods for learning and describing the information needs of various users and communities and how libraries and information centers can work with these communities toward meeting their needs.

SLIS:6170, Management, Teams, and Leadership

6170 a. Assemble a variety of interpersonal managerial tools such as recruiting, hiring, orientation, evaluation, budget, and facilitation of critical conversations.

6170 b. Identify the steps of a needs assessment process and apply it to organizational challenges.

SLIS:6115, Information and Inquiry

6115 a. Describe the components of the knowledge life cycle, interpreting the reference process through its stages.

6115 c. Identify steps of inquiry and how these relate to the information needs of various users and communities.


Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Students will understand the methods of intervention-oriented research and assessment methods in libraries and information centers, and students will recognize, evaluate, and apply the different types of evidence that information professionals use to measure the success of services, practices, and facilities.

SLIS:5010, Libraries, Culture, and Society

5010 b. Identify and examine issues and core values of the library and information profession, including equity of access, literacy and learning, information policy, collaboration, and service.

5010 c. Develop and effectively use the professional language of the field to communicate with peers and colleagues and to search the professional literature of the field.

SLIS:6170, Management, Teams, and Leadership

6170 b. Identify the steps of a needs assessment process and apply it to organizational challenges.

6170 e. Apply evidence-based decision making informed by an organization’s strategic vision to complex leadership and project management issues.

SLIS:6115, Information and Inquiry

6115 b. Demonstrate effective use of information resources and information searching skills.


Information Equity

Students will understand that a central value of libraries and information centers is to mitigate information inequality, and students will endeavor to improve library and information practices through informed, respectful, and inclusive interventions that recognize and centralize social difference across race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, socioeconomic status, nationality, religion, age, education, literacy, and other vectors.

SLIS:5010, Libraries, Culture, and Society

5010 a. Communicate what it means to be a library or information professional in both historical and contemporary contexts.

5010 b. Identify and examine issues and core values of the library and information profession, including equity of access, literacy and learning, information policy, collaboration, and service.

SLIS:5020, Foundations of Computing

5020 b. Address accessibility barriers in information systems through the selection of assistive technologies and techniques.

5020 c. Evaluate existing and emerging technologies and their impact on library services and resources in terms of accessibility, practicality, sustainability, and effectiveness.

SLIS:5030, Information Organization

5030 d. Evaluate, analyze, and critique bias embedded in knowledge organization systems.

SLIS:6170, Management, Teams, and Leadership

6170 c. Articulate a personal philosophy of cultural competence, professional behaviors, and ethics.

SLIS:6115, Information and Inquiry

6115 c. Identify steps of inquiry and how these relate to the information needs of various users and communities.


Technological Knowledge and Skills

Students will understand and identify the technological infrastructure that enables library and information services, and students will be able to evaluate existing and emerging technologies toward inclusive and effective practice.

SLIS:5020, Foundations of Computing

5020 a. Identify and describe various models for the delivery of onsite and electronic information resources.

5020 b. Address accessibility barriers in information systems through the selection of assistive technologies and techniques.

5020 c. Evaluate existing and emerging technologies and their impact on library services and resources in terms of accessibility, practicality, sustainability, and effectiveness.

SLIS:6115, Information and Inquiry

6115 b. Demonstrate effective use of information resources and information searching skills.