Angela Fritz, PhD

Visiting Assistant Professor


PhD, American History and Public History, Loyola University-Chicago

MA, American History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

MLS, Specialization Archival Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison

BA, History and Political Science, University of Iowa


Digital cultural heritage; digital preservation; digital archives; GLAM leadership and organizational development; GLAM convergence; ethical AI; critical data literacies; public history


Angela Fritz joined SLIS as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage in August 2024. Previously, she held leadership positions at the Wisconsin Historical Society, the University of Notre Dame, and the Office of Presidential Libraries and Museums at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). She was the recipient of a Crown Fellowship in the Humanities and served as a Faculty Fellow at the Klau Institute for Civil and Human Rights at the University of Notre Dame. She has drawn on this expansive experience to publish numerous digital projects and exhibits, journal articles and book chapters. Her latest book, entitled Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021) has been described as a “valuable resource” and “refreshing” as it “gets to the heart of how true digital sustainability can be achieved.” Her research blends digital cultural heritage, digital stewardship, critical data literacies, and ethical AI. Her next book project, slated for publication next year, will explore the intersection between leadership studies, organizational development, and GLAM digital convergence.  

Recent Projects and Presentations 

  • “Building Advocacy and Support for Digital Archives,” Workshop, Society of American Archivists (SAA), January 2025.
  • “Exploring Digitized GLAM Collections through the Lens of Critical Data Literacy,” Active Learning and Practices of Ethical Stewardship, Panel, Archival/Preservation Education Special Interest Group (SIG), ALISE Annual Conference, Portland Oregon, 2024.
  • With Micah Bateman, Lindsay Mattock, and Heather Seibert. “The Tech Core Curriculum: Teaching Technology as a Core Competence,” Roundtable,  ALISE Annual Conference, Portland Oregon, 2024.
  • With Elizabeth Stone. “Rescued From Oblivion: Preserving Archives Through Science-Based Practices,” Science on Screen Presentation, FilmScene, Iowa City, Iowa, May, 2024.
  • “Considering Intersections Between Critical Data Literacies and Distinctive Digitized Collections,” Annual Research Forum, SAA, July 2023.

Recent Publications

  • “’Developing Others in Digital Stewardship’: Exploring Intersections Between Critical Data Literacies, an Archival Ethics of Care, and Digitized Collections in GLAM Institutions” in Data Culture in Academic Libraries: A Practical Guide to Building Communities, Partnerships, and Collaborations (Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), American Library Association (ALA), In Press).
  • Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021).
  • “Digital Storytelling, Archival Research, and ‘Layers of Practice’: A Critical Pedagogical Approach to Visual Literacy in Special Collections and University Archives,” in Visualizing the Library: A Primer on Visual Research Methods in Library and Information Sciences (London: Facet Publishing, 2020).
  • “So Many Options, So Little Time: How to Evaluate a Digital Preservation System that is Right for Your Institution,” in Digital Preservation in Libraries: Preparing for a Sustainable Future, (Chicago: ALA Publishing, 2019).
  • “From Collection Silos to Digital Content Hubs: Digital Project Management in Special Collections and University Archives,” in Project Management in the Library Workplace: Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol. 38 (West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2018).


Headshot of Dr. Angela Fritz
Courses Taught
Archives: Theory and Practice
Digital Preservation and Stewardship
Digital Environments and Library Users
Stewardship of Information and Collections