Stephanie Blalock, PhD

Assistant Professor


PhD, English, University of Iowa

MA, Library and Information Science, University of Iowa

BA, English, Duke University


Academic librarianship, College and University libraries, Digital humanities, Digital scholarly editing, Digital archives, Digital project management, Nineteenth-century periodical and print culture, Nineteenth-century American Literature


Stephanie M. Blalock, who joined the faculty in Fall 2024, earned her PhD in English and her MLS at the University of Iowa. She is an Associate Editor for the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review and the Iowa project manager for the Walt Whitman Archive. Her teaching areas include Academic librarianship and digital archives. Her interdisciplinary research combines digital scholarly editing, nineteenth-century American literature, periodical studies, and the history of journalism. She considers the poet Walt Whitman’s career as a journalist, looking at both the circulation of his works and the responses to them in nineteenth-century newspapers and magazines. She is the author of “Go To Pfaff’s”: The History of a Restaurant and Lager Beer Saloon (Lehigh 2014), and her peer-reviewed scholarship has appeared in the Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, Technology and Culture, and several edited collections.

Recent Projects and Presentations 

Current Grant Project:

  • Project Title: “Between the Columns: A Toolkit for Periodical Authorship, Attribution, and Display” (2024-2025); National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH): Digital Humanities Advancement Grant, Level II ($150,000), Project Director: Kevin McMullen (University of Nebraska-Lincoln); Stephanie M. Blalock (University of Iowa; Project editor); Stefan Schöberlein (Texas A&M University–Central Texas; Project editor); Jason Stacy (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Project editor); Zachary Turpin (University of Idaho; Project editor)

    Presentations (2023-2024):

  • Blalock, Stephanie M., “The Walt Whitman Archive’s Correspondence Project: Some New Directions” | Whitman Studies Association | American Literature Association (ALA) Conference | Chicago, IL | May 2024 
  • Blalock, Stephanie M., “Gems About Walt Whitman: Taking Whitman Jokes Seriously” | Whitman Studies Association | American Literature Association (ALA) Conference | Boston, MA | May 2023 

Recent Publications


Headshot of Dr. Stephanie Blalock
Courses Taught:
College and University Libraries (Fall 2024); Libraries, Culture, and Society (Fall 2023); Management, Teams, and Leadership (Spring 2023); Metadata: Theories and Applications (Fall 2022)