Adapted from the University of Iowa College of Education 2022 Policy

Student Complaint Procedures Summary

Student Complaint Procedures Extended

Learn more about your rights and responsibilities

Seek information and support

  • Talking with someone often helps to lessen isolation and may help you to develop productive strategies and make decisions; however, it is necessary, in an ethical environment, that you take care to secure the confidence of the person with whom you are speaking. That may be a friend, family member, mentor, or counselor. The questions that might be helpful to ask could include:
  • What happened here and how do I feel about it?
  • Is what happened to me within the norms of my academic community? Are those healthy, ethical norms?
  • If I feel badly about what happened, what can I do about it? What are my options and what are the possible consequences of each?

Explore your informal and formal options

  • Before pursuing resolution, document the incidents that have occurred. If possible, include dates, locations, context, and as much detail information as you can remember. Keep copies of all correspondence and document all contacts.
    • If possible, talk to the person you have a complaint about directly or write a letter. Be prepared to clearly articulate your concerns and the resolution you are seeking.
    • If you are uncomfortable talking directly to the person you have a complaint about or cannot resolve the problem, talk to the departmental executive officer.
    • If the problem remains unresolved, talk to the appropriate associate dean.
    • If there is still no resolution, file a written report with the Dean of the Graduate College

If you are not satisfied with the actions of the Dean, you may seek assistance from one or more of the sources that are always available to you.

  • If it seems there is no appropriate policy or office, contact the Office of the University Ombudsperson, 308 Jefferson Building, 335-3608. This office responds to problems from faculty, staff, and students, which appear unresolvable through existing procedures or systems.

  • If the issue is a discrimination or harassment issue and you prefer not to talk to anyone in the college, you may contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) directly. That office will provide formal or informal support and guidance. If you should elect to file a formal complaint and initiate an investigation, this is where you do it.

  • Confidentiality is often a concern when reporting a complaint. In many cases, complaints can be kept confidential according to your wishes; however, law and policy requirements – driven by concerns about campus safety – might override a request or desire to maintain confidentiality when speaking with academic or administrative officers. If maintaining confidentiality is a priority, please consult one of the confidential resources available at the University of Iowa.